With an Effort

Today we will be watching the hands of the conjurer, who fetches rabbits from his hat.
After they were freed from the prison, punk activists Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Mariya Alekhina gave several interviews in which they revealed new goals in their life and the first one was the support of prisoners. Tolokonnikova's letter created a lot of stir and led to inspections of many correction facilities, so it was only logical to conclude that the participant of Pussy Riot, having such an enormous media power, will continue to occupy herself with work on advocacy of human rights.

And at first they actually did it they came to courts, where the Bolotnaya Square cases were tried, maintained contact with some women prisoners, spoke about conditions in prisons.
And then the conjurer flew up high and landed on another continent altogether. Officially members of Pussy Riot met Madonna and other stars, gave a "concert", enjoyed themselves and had some rest. However, we are interested in another part, a third hand, which is always concealed, but brings much more surprises than the other ones.

The girls did not plan any events in Sochi. Moreover, in their first interviews they promised to wrap up their previous activities for some time even when once they let it slip that they would repeat the concert in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, in a day they refuted these words by saying that they were, as they said, misinterpreted wouldn't repeat it in the future but would live through their lives again by coming back into the past. Plus, their Olympic oratory in interview with Sobchak both girls didn't deny that the Winter Games in Sochi are a symbolic and important event for Russia. They gave no support to Kuban rights activists and it seems were unaware of their existence at all.

But something happened after their visit to the USA. Something went wrong. Now the girls expressly announced in public that they would visit Sochi, they deliberately walked with journalists to capture on camera anything that might happen to them.

I still want to believe that the Cossack with a whip was not disguised Petya Verzilov (Tolokonnikova's husband); this would be totally in their spirit. Nevertheless, even if this were a real Cossack, he would absolutely be legally dealt with. He was the one to do more than dozens of thousands of people, preparing the Olympic Games, only his actions came with a negative sign. The provocation worked; meet the "Russian bandits with shoulder straps" as background to all the Western news about the Olympic Games. A biathlete won the Cossack hit. Hockey players lost the Cossack hit. Masha and Nadya are already in Moscow and the journalists still are making photographs of the place where the video was made.
A great piece of luck.

Propecia: Is Bald Really Beautiful?

It's easy to feel vain about the look of your hair, especially if you have concerns over visible thinning and hair loss. Yet, some men don't seem bothered by their receding hair lines or shiny scalp, and embrace their baldness instead by shaving their heads completely. Is going bald with so much enthusiasm really a good idea, or is it better to consider treatment for your hair loss instead?
The History of Baldness
Planned baldness, or shaving your head for the sake of fashion, has been in style just about since the dawn of time.
  • In ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece, shaved heads were not uncommon and were even preferred. Egyptians then wore stylish wigs over their shaved heads for the blunt-cut black hairdo that so epitomizes this culture's fashion history. Priests in Egypt took this concept even further by removing all hair via plucking, including facial and body hair.
  • During the reign of King Louis XIII of France, his premature baldness (at the tender age of just 23) led to a new fashion craze: the elaborate, curly-haired wig. Wigs soon became a status symbol in their own right, as evidenced by most of the royalty throughout Europe as well as the first American presidents.
Baldness wasn't always the height of status and fashion, however. In fact, a number of cultures viewed shaving the head as a punishment or penance, which is why so many prisoners are seen with bald heads in historical photos and etchings. Other cultures shaved their heads in times of mourning to show their grief as well as giving respect to their loved ones. And even very recently, a Japanese pop star shaved her head to show her contrition for violating the rules of her band, begging forgiveness for her transgressions.
Baldness as Fashion Trend
These days, more men are likely to shave their heads and flaunt a shiny skull rather than covering up with a wig afterwards. Stars like Bruce Willis, Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad and Vin Diesel have all made headlines with their squeaky clean look that has become synonymous with the tough guy persona. Even more elegant actors like Patrick Stewart, Ben Kingsley and Stanley Tucci are recognizable by their characteristic hair - or lack thereof.
Whether as a deliberate fashion statement or natural occurrence, there's no denying that baldness is a very distinctive look. As such, it might not be right for everyone. For men who don't want to resort to the buff action star look, Propecia offers a simple solution that not only prevents active hair loss, but also encourages regrowth even in dormant hair follicles. Rogaine offers another treatment option: a cream that needs to be applied twice daily for maximum effect instead of coming in pill form like Propeica. If you're not quite ready to commit to going bald, there are plenty of options to keep the hair you have.

Mold and Home Insurance Quotes

Many stories have arisen about homeowners and mold populations that grew to insane proportions. Some people take these sorts of stories for granted, but those looking into getting home insurance have found their home insurance quotes rise due to its influence. The truth of the matter is mold is a large problem and affects many homes.
Beyond simple property damage, mold can cause a host of other problems. Many types of mold can affect the health of you and your family, and in some cases it can be fatal. Mold reproduces by releasing tiny bits of it called spores. These spores can enter the body though any opening, but most commonly infect the lungs though the repertory system. This causes many people to look for insurance policy that can cover mold infestation, but this is a dangerous prospect to many home insurance companies. Due to the ways that mold reproduces, an outbreak of mold can claim many houses very quickly and can cause the number of claims to skyrocket. This makes companies very wary about covering homes in mold prone areas. Mold growth can cause a number of problems to a home including discoloration, weakening of the structure, and can contribute to foul smells coming from the home.
When looking for home insurance quotes you can look for companies that offer "buy-back" endorsements that are sort of limited mold insurance. This usually will cause your home insurance quotes to rise if you look for this option, but if you are in an area where mold is common then it may be vital. Other companies have a mold cleanup service that will clear out mold populations, and attempt to repair the damage the mold has done rather than simply pay out a settlement.
As a homeowner knowing about how mold grows and where it likes to live can help you prevent the need to mold coverage on your home insurance quotes. Preventative measures taken against mold can keep your home in tiptop shape even without mold coverage on your home insurance quotes.
Mold Tips
  1. Keeping your humidity in the home between 30-50% can help inhibit mold production
  2. Ventilation in any attic or crawl spaces will prevent stagnate air that becomes a breeding ground for mold.
  3. Cold surfaces such as windows and pipes should be well insulated to keep the moisture from providing an entry point for mold.
  4. Any plumbing problems should be solved as soon as the crop up. Plumbing problems are a haven for mold and can end up causing far more damage than initial thoughts might suggest.

Playing Online Rummy - Know The Limits And Limitations!

The world of rummy, especially the Indian version has exploded on us due to the Internet revolution. Lot of things have been said about rummy. The fact that it is an intellectual and mentally stimulating form of recreation has been established. So has the fact that you can earn rich rewards if you are good at playing online rummy. But there is a caution here - it is all well that you choose rummy as your means of entertainment. But to think of playing the game as a sole means of earning and having no boundaries on playing time may not be such a good idea.

To ensure that you are approaching the game with a prudent attitude, it is important to establish two essential things. The limits you need to place on yourself while playing and the limitations of the game.

Establishing your limits:

  • The important thing you need to realize that while recreation is essential, it is not the only thing that should dominate your life.

  • Make time for rummy after allotting time for important activities related to your professional and personal priorities

  • While making money by playing rummy can be a lot of fun, ensure that the money you spend on rummy is within acceptable limits

  • Rummy is a game of skill and winning is a result of skilful gaming. But remember that rummy also has a small element of chance, with reference to the cards you get. It would be advisable to quit the game if the cards do not look promising.

  • It may not be a good idea to take up playing rummy as the sole means of earning. Remember that there may be other equally good players out there; this will limit your chances of winning every time.

Knowing the game's limitations:

  • Rummy is just a game. A very interesting and rewarding game, but nevertheless a mere game in which there is a chance that other players may also have an upper hand. So depending on rummy totally may be the wrong move.

  • When you are playing online rummy, you do not know the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents. While this makes your game interesting, it also increases the risk factor.

  • Another limitation of the game if you are going to use it as your sole means of earning is, it requires time, money and effort continuously to support your needs. Even then it is not an assured means of income.

  • While playing rummy for longer periods of time may be enjoyable, playing for the sake of supporting yourself can be tedious.

  • Playing online rummy needs the support of technology in the form of power supply and Internet connection. This places a limitation on how much you can play given the nature of these support services.

As you can see rummy is a great means of entertainment, the rewards of playing rummy wisely can be exciting, online rummy has ensured that you have the wherewithal to indulge when you please, but you need to know your limits and any limitations the game may have.

Darksiders 2 Review

Darksiders 2, like its predecessor, is a grab bag of tried and true game play components. Like a good plate at Thanksgiving dinner, there's a little bit of everything in there. Some combat a la God of War? Check. Climbing/free running a la Prince of Persia? It's in there. Open world exploration, coupled with a multitude of dungeons to explore, reminiscent of theZelda series? There's that too. You can even see bits of Diablo and Portal seasoning the mix. The original used a similar recipe to become one of the biggest sleeper hits of 2010, setting the bar high for the sequel.

In Darksiders, you play as War, one of the Four Horseman, who is manipulated into starting the apocalypse prematurely, effectively wiping out all of humanity before its time. As the first game comes to a close, it is evident that War will be forced to stand trial in the judgment of the Charred Council, a collective tasked with keeping a balance in the never ending war between Heaven and Hell, who have the power to call for War's death as punishment for his crimes. In a last ditch effort to possibly redeem himself, War breaks the seventh seal to call his fellow Horsemen, Death, Strife and Fury. Darksiders 2 follows the story of Death as he seeks a way to redeem his brother.

We open on Death searching for a figure known as the Crowfather, whom Death believes holds the ability to suss out the means to atone for War's sin. After a violent confrontation, Death is hurtled to another plane of existence sick with Corruption, a cancer-like substance intent on the obliteration of all worlds. It soon becomes clear that the key to destroying the Corruption, and the means to restore humanity, effectively erasing War's crime, both lie in the Tree of Life. However, several obstacles lie in his way, and when Death finally lays eyes on the Tree he discovers that it is not the end of his path, but simply the doorway to another beginning.

The combo-based combat is suitably violent and destructive for a game based on the figure of Death, that is dual wielding scythes as big as a horse. Throw in all manner of secondary weapons from axes to arm blades, and the body count rises rapidly. Similar to other hack n' slash action games, different combinations of the X and Y buttons result in one brutally over the top combo after another, and there are several special abilities Death can unleash to significantly increase the damage done.

When not dismembering enemies, Death is usually trying to figure out how to get from here to there, which usually requires some Prince of Persia or Assassin's Creed style acrobatics. Often even that's not enough however, requiring Death to put to use special tools and abilities earned along the way, such as a 'hookshot' style gauntlet that grabs onto iron rings and enemies alike, or the 'Voidwalker', which allows Death to open portals on specific surfaces. In the harder dungeons, using these skills in concert with each other will be key if you want to get to the next area.

RPG elements take form in the distribution of skill points, and managing a Diablo-esque loot table, filled with tons of junk to sell, as well as the occasional upgrade. This game also has an alternative method of eliminating the chaff from your inventory by introducing 'possessed' weapons. You can sacrifice your other loot to one of these possessed weapons to raise its stats and add different buffs and effects, bringing in a unique element to the management of all those blue and purple item drops.

For a game that borrows mechanics liberally from other games, it still doesn't get everything right. The camera is not always easy to work with, and can get downright aggravating at times, and some have voiced complaints about the autosave system. Also, while the story itself is suitably epic for a tale that parallels the apocalypse, it's sometimes difficult to get truly invested in it as the characters featured in the tale occasionally fall flat.

Still, there's more to love about Darksiders 2 than there is to hate. Fans of the original should be pleased, and there's enough compelling game play here to hook new gamers to the franchise. If you like delving into Zelda-like dungeons and stabbing bad guys, this game should definitely be on your radar.